Shumen 2021 – Nightwalk at Arena Shumen
Just a walk in the night – the rain stopped and the air is fresh. Good for a nightwalk at coronatimes all over the world and at Shumen. Yv was so friendly to take the walk with us. Enjoy it – Shumen nightwalk with Yv at the Arena Shumen. ArenaContinue Reading
Shumen winter flight around the Monument
High to the sky – just the jump and the droneflight to the Monnument to 1300 Years of Bulgaria in Shumen First snow in Shumen and time for a droneflight around the Shumen Monument Erster Schnee 2021 in Schumen, das ist die Gelegenheit für einen Drohneflug über das imposante ShumenContinue Reading
Shumen – xmas winter city
Today the Christmas decoration of Shumen lights up – xmas & winter are here!Continue Reading
The Wuhan dragon
The Wuhan dragon. Everyone looked at him so skeptically. No one believed that he would be able to escape China and that he could conquer the whole world. But now, although uninvited, he has reached our city – Shumen. And not only. The Covid-19 pandemic, which began in Wuhan, hasContinue Reading
165 seasons of theater
This year the theater in our favorite city opened its 165th season. The festive program traditionally began with a colorful theatrical parade. The theaters, transformed into characters from plays and accompanied by wind music, passed through the city center to the theater building. There took place the solemn lighting ofContinue Reading